Since the early seventies Sepal has been operating in the aluminum extrusion sector, ensuring the use of first choice materials and the use of advanced technologies in order to provide extruded profiles of the highest quality and resistant over time, suitable for the most varied applications.

Technical data

  • 3 presses
    • 2500 T or Ø 203 mm (year 2000)
    • 1850 T or Ø 178 mm (year 2013)
    • 1850 T or Ø 178 mm (year 2013)
  • 30,000 tons / year of guaranteed production capacity
  • Production of aluminum extrusions from 50 g to 10 kg per meter
  • Bar length from 2 meters up to 7-14 meters
  • Alloys used: 6060, 6063, 6082, 6005A, 6463 (Brill), 6101, 1070A, 3003
  • Certifications: UNI EN ISO 9001: 2008, UNI EN ISO 14001, UNI EN ISO 15088

Sepal adopted its Code of Ethics on 24 September 2015 in compliance with the Decree Law 2001/231.
Sepal produces extruded profiles based on the customer’s design, managing to effectively interpret the most complex needs.

Evoluzione tecnologica e qualità certificata!

Professionalità, flessibilità progettuale e produttiva, e massima attenzione alle esigenze dei clienti sono il filo conduttore della nostro approccio al lavoro.

Soluzioni su misura !

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